
Best Ways to Sample Paint So You Love You Color Choice

How many times have you brought home paint chips, held them up to the wall, tortured yourself for hours over picking the right one, only to find out that you hate the way it looks on the wall. Frustrating doesn't begin to describe this process! That's why it's incredibly important to sample paint color BEFORE you buy gallons of it. And we don't mean sampling it in your head, or sampling it in the store. We mean taking it home and putting it in situ, which is your home, your bathroom, the outside of your house, your fence, because if you don't, then you probably will not be very happy with the color. So here at Adler's, we try to make it as easy as possible for you to actually know what that color's going to look like.

The first thing that I suggest to people is they come over and just take home paint chips. Now, I want to say that the uniqueness of the C2 Paint system is that the paint chips, the liquid paint, the big chips and the fan deck chips are all painted with paint as opposed to printings. So you have this very accurate system right in the palm of your hands, and these are free. You just take these home when you've decided that you want to move a little forward with your, I call it a journey because it is a journey.

Then we suggest that you rent a color, very unique system only to Adler's hardware, and this allows you to essentially borrow the color and take it home and test it out, and then you bring this little baby back to us. It's kind of like a library of color, almost like going to the public library, and it runs on a very similar system.

If that isn't going to help you, then we also can make you any color, not just a C2 color, your own little personal sampler can't say enough about this. We can customize these. We can work up a special color for you. People love these. They're very, very successful, and it's really nice to work with liquid paint on your walls.

Another system we have is these big chips. Again, they're painted with paint, and we can customize these chips. So if we make you a color because we scanned a piece of tile for you in here, we can then roll it out for you and make your own special big chip, and you can put these all over your house and tape them up. And then when you finish with them, you can use them as liners to your draws when people really need to see the whole entire palette in front of them.

We loan out our fan deck, and this again is another wonderful way to bring home this great collection of colors. So by the time you have explored all these possibilities and you ask me for that color in a gallon of paint, I feel very confident that you're going to bring home a beautiful trance from color for your home. I do want to mention one more thing because this includes another type of sampling system, and that is we are retailers for Farrow & Ball paint. These are free. We give these out, and if you like something here and you want to again sample, we have these wonderful little tiny pots. They're entirely cute just on their own, and again, you take them home and sample. I can also take what's in here and make a big chip for you. I think that's it. Your journey will end when you come and I make you a whole gallon of paint.

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